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Enhance the appearance of the upper lip without adding volume or altering its shape.

145 British pounds

Service Description

A lip flip is a cosmetic procedure that can enhance the appearance of the upper lip without adding volume or altering its shape. It involves injecting small amounts of muscle relaxer injections just above the upper lip, which helps to relax the muscles and turn the lip slightly upward, creating a fuller and more defined look. Muscle relaxer injections, also known as neuromodulators or neurotoxins, work by blocking the signals that are sent from the nerves to the muscles. By doing so, they prevent the muscles from contracting and causing wrinkles or lines in the skin. The lip flip procedure with muscle relaxer injections is a relatively simple and quick treatment that can be performed in a doctor's office. The injection site is typically numbed with a topical anesthetic, and then a small amount of the muscle relaxer injection is injected into the upper lip muscle, known as the orbicularis oris muscle. This muscle surrounds the mouth and is responsible for puckering the lips and showing teeth when smiling. After the injection, the muscle relaxer starts to take effect within a few days, and the patient will notice a slight upward turn in the upper lip. The effects of the lip flip procedure typically last for three to four months, after which the muscle relaxer will wear off, and the lip will return to its natural position. While the lip flip with muscle relaxer injections is a relatively new procedure, it has already gained popularity among people who are looking for a subtle enhancement to their lips. It can be a great option for those who are not interested in lip fillers or surgery, but still want to improve the appearance of their lips. However, it's important to note that the lip flip procedure with muscle relaxer injections is not suitable for everyone. People who have thin lips or a gummy smile may not see significant improvement with this procedure. Additionally, those who have had previous lip fillers or surgery may not be good candidates for a lip flip.

Company Policies
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How to Bo0k

We operate a 'request book' policy to ensure you are suitable for the treatment or course. Please note until you have made a payment and submitted the requested forms your appointment is not confirmed and we reserve the right to refuse service

A deposit will be taken at the point of booking to ensure your space is reserved. The full payment will be required at least 1 week prior to attending the course, if this is failed to be completed you will loose your deposit and space.

Refunds are only permitted at the discretion of management.

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